It’s what? It’s Tacoma Wayzgoose weekend (we’ll explain). AND 2 more events you don’t want to miss (if you like dogs, plants, sweet people, or community togetherness).
We’re into hand-me-downs, one-of-a-kind thrift store finds, saving money, and participating in a force for good in our community. Which means we’ve found ourselves over at the Habitat for Humanity Store on STW on many occasions over our years in Tacoma. This month we share about some of the treasures we’ve found, dos and don’ts for donating, and 8 other local spots you should explore if you’re renovating, furnishing, or reimagining part of your Tacoma home.
Tacoma High 5 is our way to nudge you toward what we love about Tacoma. It’s a short list with a commitment to the local—it embraces the season, invites delight, encourages a spirit of exploration and some generosity as well. This month’s list includes Lunar New Year and monkeyshines, a delightfully pink dessert, a beloved shop in a new spot, ways to support immigrants and asylum seekers, and ideas for getting out to experience something new!
Community Event
Sweet Treat
Exploration & Adventure
Local Love
Volunteering & Sharing
As we take our first steps into the new year, we’re thinking again about home and how we make it. We’ve collected 8 ways we’ve made ourselves at home in Tacoma and made friends with the city. Making friends with a place is kind of like making friends with a person—you listen, show up, help out, pay attention, participate, and receive. After a while you’ve made a connection that didn’t exist before. Go to a festival, become a regular, follow some local news, help out, be pals with the library, explore local history and art, do something new. These 8 ideas aren’t deep Tacoma secrets. Rather, think of this list like suggested ingredients for making yourself at home.
This year we’re back with a list of 10 ways to give love in December. You’ll find our guide for local gift giving with holiday markets and some of our favorite small shops included, and 5 suggestions for giving to unknown neighbors outside your circle of friends. All 10 ways of giving put love into the Tacoma community! Read on for the magic of a musical play given by kids, a list of local cafes for coffee lovers, a gift card drive to support clients at the YWCA, a nostalgic holiday movie marathon, a way to support health and care for folks who can’t afford insurance, a chance to transform $1 into 2 meals, and the best local spots to shop for little ones.
There’s change in the air across Tacoma, the return of things once lost, the reopening of places once closed, the transformation of one restaurant into another, the creation of brand new places to gather, shop, eat, and drink. We’ve been experiencing this change across the city and wanted to pull some of it together in one place. What follows is a list of 17 new, renewed, and returned businesses along with 3 coming soon. See if you can enjoy and support something new this month; if you do, we’d love to hear about it!