Tacoma 2022

Tacoma 2024: Make Yourself At Home

Tacoma 2024: Make Yourself At Home

As we take our first steps into 2024, we’re thinking about home and how we make it. We’re thinking about how we continue to seek, find, and create belonging. In this list we’ve collected 7 ways we’ve made ourselves at home in Tacoma and made friends with the city. Go to a festival, become a regular, follow some local news, help out, be pals with the library, explore local history and art, do something new. After a while you’ve made a connection that didn’t exist before. These 7 ideas aren’t deep Tacoma secrets. Rather, think of this list like suggested ingredients for making yourself at home. Take a look and join us.

Tacoma 2023: Make Yourself At Home

Tacoma 2023: Make Yourself At Home

As we hang our 2023 calendars on the wall and consider a new year we’re thinking about home and how we make it. We’re thinking about what makes us feel like we belong, how we experience belonging in our lives, and how we can create it. In this list we’ve collected 7 of the ways we’ve made ourselves at home in Tacoma and made friends with the city. Making friends with a place is kind of like making friends with a person—you listen, show up, help out, pay attention, participate, and receive. After a while you’ve made a connection that didn’t exist before. These 7 ideas aren’t deep Tacoma secrets. Rather, think of this list like suggested ingredients for making yourself at home. Take a look and join us.

Life in Tacoma 2022: 5 Ways to Create Belonging

Life in Tacoma 2022: 5 Ways to Create Belonging

The new year has us considering belonging, how people find it, how we create it. In this list we’ve collected 5 of the ways we’ve found belonging in Tacoma, or ways we’d like to continue building it. These aren’t deep Tacoma secrets, or never-been-seen-before ideas. There’s nothing sensational here. This list is more like suggested ingredients for finding your place by giving and receiving, exploring and settling down. Sometimes belonging just happens to us, other times we need to find it and foster it. Take a look and join us.